Resultados de 1 a 10 de um total de 20
Defending forests and democracy in a shifting political landscape
In December 2024, the European Commission and Latin American Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay) announced a political agreement on a renegotiated version of the 2019 EU Mercosur Association Agreement.
On 17 December 2024, the outgoing Biden-Harris administration unveiled a comprehensive six-point policy framework aimed at reducing US imports of products linked to deforestation – a commendable attempt to set positive things in...
COP29 disappoints, EUDR saved, FLEGT in danger and a victory in Cameroon
We can all stop holding our breaths: tripartite negotiations among the EU Commission, Parliament and Council concluded, 3 December 2024, with an agreement both to delay application of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and not...
Sadly, a company that acts with nonchalance in the absence of authorisations is nothing unusual. What is more remarkable, is when learning that it will not be able to sell the proceeds of its activities on the EU market brings...
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Not so long ago, a commentator called the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) “a green jewel in European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s crown that has garnered praise and inspired imitations beyond the EU”. But in the...
The battle to save the EUDR and biodiversity in Eastern Europe
After recently offering reassurances to the contrary, the EU Commission’s public statement, 2 October 2024, that it intended to delay the full application of the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) was a shock. The relentless...
On 2 October 2024, the European Commission (EC) not only proposed a delay of 12 months for the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), it also published its long-awaited Strategic Framework for International Cooperation Engagement on...