Un puits de carbone est un élément qui absorbe plus de carbone qu’il n’en rejette, tandis qu’une source d’émission de carbone est un élément qui rejette plus de carbone qu’il n’en absorbe. Les forêts, les sols, les océans et...
This is the summary version of misleading numbers. It outlines that fossil and land-based carbon are not interchangeable and that emissions from fossil fuels cannot be negated by increasing or protecting the storage potential of...
The word ‘carbon’ appears with relentless ubiquity in the news and in government policy and legislation. It is discussed as if it were a simple, almost abstract and easily quantifiable substance. However, like many ubiquitous...
Environmental offsetting enables a company, country or individual to be legally or morally allowed to pollute or otherwise damage the environment as long as they pay someone else somewhere else to attempt to compensate for some or all of the negative consequences.
Carbon trading is the process of buying and selling permits and credits that allow the permit holder to emit carbon dioxide.