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In 2018, Fern and our partners revealed that many African states’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) pledges were not considering the need to improve forest governance. As countries are now preparing and communicating new...
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Human society is enduring one of the greatest global health crises of the past century: COVID-19. As the urgency of tackling the pandemic took centre stage, policy issues such as the implementation of the Forest Law Enforcement...
Webinar organised by FAO’s Forest Technical Network in Africa (FTN-Africa)
Monday 7 December 2020 – 11:00-12:30 (Accra/GMT) 12:00 – 13:30 (Kinshasa/Rome time)
Register here
BackgroundMost countries in Africa are committed to...
O que acontece na UE exerce uma grande influência sobre o destino das florestas do mundo. Os acordos comerciais, as estratégias de pressão, as políticas energética e climática e as importações de madeira, soja, carne bovina, óleo...
The first edition of Fern's new Forest Governance newsletter
The webinar took place on 19 November 2020 – 9h-13h Brussels time
Recordings of the event with interpretation in English, French, Spanish and Russian are available.
Faced with the urgent need to restore...
Indigenous land rights are essential to reduce deforestation, fight climate change and build resilient forests and communities. In fact, lands own or managed by Indigenous Peoples or local communities, hold over 36% of intact...
The Farm to Fork Strategy includes a section on the external dimension entitled “Promoting the Global Transition”. The attention for the external dimension is crucial not only because the challenges the Strategy is seeking to...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers the Central African health system to be among the most fragile in the world, making the country particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health protocols have been in...
The world’s forests, and the rights of many who depend on them, remained under assault in 2019.
These attacks came from many directions: from the erosion of environmental and human rights protections in Brazil under President Jair Bolsonaro, to the Amazon fires; from the EU’s devastating bioenergy policy, to its raft of Free Trade Agreements with forested countries to increase our insatiable consumption of products that drive deforestation; from a lack of secure tenure rights for people depending on forests for their survival, to failures of transparency and accountability in the forest sector…