Ursula von der Leyen is the first European Union (EU) Commission President to publicly recognise how important forests are to life on our planet. But with the climate crisis and biodiversity collapse looming, time is short to turn...
To tackle the climate crisis, EU land and forests need to absorb more carbon dioxide, but the opposite is happening. EU forest health and biodiversity is declining, even in EU forests protected by legislation. Half of all the wood...
The world’s forests, and the rights of many who depend on them, remained under assault in 2019.
These attacks came from many directions: from the erosion of environmental and human rights protections in Brazil under President Jair Bolsonaro, to the Amazon fires; from the EU’s devastating bioenergy policy, to its raft of Free Trade Agreements with forested countries to increase our insatiable consumption of products that drive deforestation; from a lack of secure tenure rights for people depending on forests for their survival, to failures of transparency and accountability in the forest sector…
Germany has a chance to raise climate ambition and shape three important relationships.
This week’s European Parliamentary election results threw up the tantalising prospect of greater EU protection for the climate, forests and people.
With more EU citizens voting than at any time in the past 25 years, it also...
As various heads of government gather today in Sibiu, Romania for the final EU summit before this month’s European elections, there’s one piece of news that they - and all of us - should contemplate. Humans are driving one million...
On 7 December, the European Commission released a mid-term review of the EU forest strategy, stating that it was “on track” to achieve its 2020 aims. Given that this review will form the basis of the next Forest Multi-Annual...
Imagine um mundo sem florestas…
Em 2017, perdemos mais árvores tropicais do que em quase todos os anos registrados, em parte devido ao investimento da UE e às importações de madeira, óleo de palma, soja, carne bovina, papel,...
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