Resultados de 1 a 10 de um total de 32
A proposta de regulamento da UE sobre produtos livres de desmatamento é um grande passo nos esforços da União Europeia para eliminar com as importações de produtos que destroem as florestas em todo o mundo.
Contudo, a UE poderia...
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Porque o manejo florestal próximo da natureza é melhor para o clima, a economia, os sistemas alimentares e muito mais.
O que acontece na UE exerce uma grande influência sobre o destino das florestas do mundo. Os acordos comerciais, as estratégias de pressão, as políticas energética e climática e as importações de madeira, soja, carne bovina, óleo...
When Indigenous and forest communities have their right to land enshrined in law there are lower rates of deforestation. The Boca Pariamanu community in Peru is a clear example of the positive knock-on effects. That is why...
Indigenous land rights are essential to reduce deforestation, fight climate change and build resilient forests and communities. In fact, lands own or managed by Indigenous Peoples or local communities, hold over 36% of intact...
As políticas ambientais do Brasil afetam algumas das florestas mais importantes do mundo e podem ter um efeito devastador sobre as comunidades tradicionais que vivem dentro e fora delas. Isto tem impacto no clima do nosso planeta,...
Sonia Guajajara, spokesperson of Brazilian Indigenous Peoples, explains the threats they currently face and ask the EU to support their struggles.
Bioenergy may sound green, but it often means burning forests for energy. This is neither sustainable nor climate-friendly. Burning wood releases carbon dioxide, just like burning coal, but felling forests to feed the furnaces...
The EU has made strong commitments to mitigate climate change, stop deforestation and respect human rights, including community rights to land. But they are at risk being undermined by trade agreements the EU is currently...
Civil society explains how the EU can help protect forests and forest people rights
Around the world, about 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their survival. And yet, in 2017 alone, global tropical forests lost 15.8...