
Adoption of EU Regulation of deforestation-free supply chains

13 dezembro 2022

Adoption of EU Regulation of deforestation-free supply chains

Explanations and views from partners



Since November 2021, policy makers from across the EU have been negotiating a common position on how it should tackle deforestation caused by imports of key forest-risk commodities such as palm oil, beef, soy, cocoa, coffee and timber.

On 5 December, they agreed on a final proposal for their Regulation on deforestation-free products.

On 13 December, we hosted a webinar to discuss Frequently Asked Questions such as: Which commodities does the final law cover? How will it impact Indigenous Peoples and smallholders? How are stakeholders reacting to it in producer countries?


  • Helge-Elisabeth Zeitler, Deputy Head Of Unit Global Resources, Deforestation, Water International, European Commission
  • Isabel Figueiredo, Coordinator of the Cerrado and Caatinga Program at Institute Society, Population and Nature (ISPN), Brazil -  Representing Observatorio do Clima
  • Obed Owusu Addai, Managing Campaigner, EcoCare Ghana
  • Anggalia Putri, Knowledge Management Manager, Madani Indonesia



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