
Community forestry: Opportunity or mirage for women in the Congo Basin?

7 março 2019

Written by: Eulalie Guillaume

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Community forestry: Opportunity or mirage for women in the Congo Basin?

In the Congo Basin, women play an important role in forest management by either practicing traditional agroforestry or collecting fuelwood and non-timber forest products for food, livestock, and health care or income generation. As women are involved in forest management, they must also be recognised as key players in community forest initiatives, and encouraged to contribute.

This abstract is from the French language briefing note “La foresterie communautaire : Opportunité ou chimère pour les femmes du Bassin du Congo ?” It considers the extent to which community forestry in Central Africa, particularly in Central African Republic and the Republic of Congo, can benefit women, taking into account the regional, local institutional, legal and cultural context.

Abstract in English here

Categorias: Reports, Central African Republic, The Republic of Congo

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