
Cutting corners: World Bank’s forest and carbon fund fails forests and peoples

12 dezembro 2008

Written by: Kate Dooley, Tom Griffiths, Helen Leake, Saskia Ozinga

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Cutting corners: World Bank’s forest and carbon fund fails forests and peoples

In December 2007 the World Bank launched its Forest Carbon Partnership Facility to act as a ‘catalyst’ to promote public and private investment in ‘REDD’ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) and to support demonstration pilot projects for
developing and implementing national REDD strategies. To access the funds gathered by the Facility countries had to submit Readiness Project Idea Notes (R-PINs).

A FERN-Forest Peoples Programme report analysing nine different country proposals (R-PINs) to get money from the World Bank's Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF). The report concludes that both the process and the proposals adopted do not respect the Bank's own guidelines. The report also includes an annex which details the World Bank funded REDD process.

Categoria: Reports

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