It's not just about trade
8 março 2023
A discussion about the EU-Mercosur agreement with community representatives from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay
At the beginning of February, we published a new briefing "Not just about trade" with the Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) and the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA). It gave Indigenous and traditional communities from Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay the opportunity to give their views on the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
To build on this work we hosted an event in collaboration with CNCD-11.11.11. This was an exciting opportunity for EU decision makers and members of European civil society to meet the community representatives featured in the briefing and hear their experiences and views of the FTA.
Listening to people on the ground is essential as despite the adoption of the Regulation on deforestation-free products and Brazilian President Lula’s commitments to protect and restore forests, the trade deal still threatens to increase deforestation and human rights violations linked to agricultural expansion and the use of pesticides.
Categoria: Events