Resultados de 11 a 20 de um total de 32
Time overdue for the EU to end its role in Brazil’s environmental and social crimes
On June 2020, the Hungarian Constitutional Court improved the nature conservation and biodiversity objectives of forested Natura 2000 sites. Hungarian civil society organisations welcomed the decision and hope that it will improve...
This photo story reveals the beauty of European forest biodiversity and why it is so important for EU climate goals.
Photographs by Karl Adami.
The European Climate Law proposed by the European Commission outlines the path European Union (EU) Member States must follow to achieve carbon neutrality. Responding to the proposal, lead rapporteur in the European Parliament, Jytte Guteland, has put forward ambitious targets for emissions reductions, but the strategy to absorb emissions remains shaky.
O Brasil entrou em tempos incertos.
A renúncia de dois ministros da saúde e a do ministro da justiça, ocorridas no período do mês passado, transtornaram o governo do presidente Jair Bolsonaro, ao mesmo tempo em que cresce a...
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Perrine Fournier analyses the French-Dutch call for making trade more sustainable in EU free trade agreements.
Sweden’s old growth and natural forests have been decimated in favour of monoculture plantations. But a new project might be the catalyst for revitalising the country’s forests, says Eva-Lotta Hultén.
European countries are the world’s largest importers of the cocoa beans whose production is devastating rainforests in West Africa and driving millions of children into child labour. To prevent this, chocolate companies and NGOs...
Perrine Fournier explains how the EU should react.
On March 16, Liberia’s first recorded coronavirus case was confirmed to be a government official who had just returned from the Green Climate Fund’s board meeting in Switzerland. The news sparked immediate recriminations. This was...