Resultados de 11 a 20 de um total de 48
On 5 October 2020 the UK government closed its first round of consultation on a proposed law designed to prevent forests and other important natural areas from being illegally converted into agricultural land (FW 258). This...
In September 2020, political leaders from more than 70 countries, the EU, and many intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations issued a joint “Pledge for Nature,” a call to ramp up international action for biodiversity,...
The European Parliament (EP) has chosen between opposing visions of the EU’s future Forest Strategy. MEP Petri Sarvamaa of the Agriculture Committee (AGRI) proposed an own-initiative report that runs counter to the goals of the...
In a plenary vote on 8 October 2020, the European Parliament (EP) protected the European Union’s climate ambition by approving Jytte Guteland’s report on the EU Climate Law. The report endorses a 60 per cent emission reductions...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) considers the Central African health system to be among the most fragile in the world, making the country particularly vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic. Health protocols have been in...
In mid-August the Government of Cameroon announced the cancellation of a contested logging concession for Ebo forest, thus suspending a decree adopted only weeks before that had opened 68,385 hectares for logging (FW 256). The...
Germany has at last acknowledged that the EU-Mercosur deal is toxic, joining a growing number of Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg) that have expressed concerns – and also revealing the...
Following its Communication on Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests in 2019, the European Commission has finally opened a questionnaire-based consultation on policies needed to reduce deforestation and...
Fern has compiled a list of material on equity and inclusion, which helps inform and guide our work. We hope it will also benefit others.
Public opposition to biomass burning is based on a variety of negative impacts.