Resultados de 41 a 44 de um total de 44
Issues surrounding palm oil are increasingly causing division between the EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN); therefore, at their 22nd ministerial meeting in Brussels, 21 January 2019, they agreed to...
The French Government is expected to decide in March 2019 whether to convert the Cordemais coal plant to run on bioenergy. France pledged to close its coal plants by 2021, but as workers strike to protest the plant’s closure, the...
In December 2018, the European Commission published a long-anticipated roadmap to “step up European Action against Deforestation”, followed by aconsultation on a coherent approach to deforestation and agricultural expansion, open...
De 14 de janeiro de 2019 a 25 de fevereiro de 2019, a Comissão Europeia abriu uma consulta sobre a melhor forma de intensificar a ação da UE contra a desflorestação, a fim de informar a elaboração de uma nova comunicação que...
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