De 14 de janeiro de 2019 a 25 de fevereiro de 2019, a Comissão Europeia abriu uma consulta sobre a melhor forma de intensificar a ação da UE contra a desflorestação, a fim de informar a elaboração de uma nova comunicação que...
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As the world awakes to the threat posed by palm oil and soy to our forests, it’s in danger of overlooking how paper and packaging drives industrial logging, mis-shapes millions of hectares of forest landscapes and creates...
Farming is the planet’s biggest driver of deforestation, and beef and soya production the prime culprits. The lion’s share of deforestation caused by these commodities is in Latin America, and Germany’s responsibility is considerable.
Bioenergy may sound green, but it often means burning forests for energy. This is neither sustainable nor climate-friendly. Burning wood releases carbon dioxide, just like burning coal, but felling forests to feed the furnaces...