Representantes de vários países se reuniram em 22 de março em Brasília para a Assembleia Geral Anual da Aliança para Florestas Tropicais 2020 (TFA 2020 em inglês), uma coalizão global de governos, ONGs e empresas, cujo objetivo é...
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Today, 4 April 2017, the European Parliament adopted the Environment Committee’s Own Initiative Report on Palm Oil and Tropical Deforestation. 640 MEPs were in favour, 18 against and 28 abstained from voting.
The Report builds on...
The Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) is presently being updated under the competence of the European Parliaments’ Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE). In recognition of the fact that use of biomass for energy can...
The world’s forests are still being destroyed to make way for industrial-scale agriculture despite many companies pledging to eliminate deforestation from supply chains for products, such as palm oil, timber, cocoa and rubber. A...
Experts and NGOs have challenged Finland’s blunt, controversial proposal that would allow countries to ignore carbon dioxide emissions from increased wood harvesting, thereby undermining the Commission’s original LULUCF proposal...
More than 40 NGOs, including Fern, expressed dismay at the message that “wood is the fuel of the future”, which the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) chose as its theme for the International Day of Forests on...
As the United Kingdom prepares to leave the EU, NGOs working on forest issues, including Fern, have formed the UK NGO Forest Coalition to ensure the UK continues to work actively on forest issues post-Brexit. On the International...