By 2025, European forests are likely to hold 18% less carbon than in the early 2000s, according to disturbing new information published today by the European Commission.
The new figures have been released under the EU’s Land Use,...
The European Parliament approved Jytte Guteland’s report on the EU Climate law and endorsed a 60% emission reductions target, rejecting amendments combining emission reductions and carbon dioxide (CO2) removals into the same...
On 7 October, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Agriculture Committee’s report on the Forest Strategy. It is a confusing result. MEPs have said they wish to stop the loss of the world’s last remaining natural forests,...
O Provedor de Justiça Europeu abriu um inquérito sobre o acordo comercial da Comissão da União Europeia com o grupo "Mercosul" de países da América do Sul.
O inquérito foi aberto em resposta a uma queixa apresentada por diversas...
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A Comissão Europeia ignorou sua obrigação legal de garantir que o acordo comercial com o grupo “Mercosul” de países da América do Sul não gere degradação social, econômica e ambiental e violações de direitos humanos, destaca uma...
Only days after the European Commission heralded the importance of protecting and restoring nature - specifically forests – to achieve climate and biodiversity goals, it faces its first hurdle in ensuring this happens. Member...