Member States who fail to implement EU biodiversity laws may want to rethink their approach given recent decisions by the European Court of Justice.
After the Council fails to defend the future of forests, it now falls to the European Parliament and the Commission to reaffirm the rules’ purpose and to restrict loopholes.
Plenary LULUCF vote in Parliament moves important issues in the right direction.
Recent data from Finnish and Estonian forests show how bad forest management can aggravate the climate crisis
NGOs, scientists and locals unite to oppose the construction of a harmful barrier in one of Europe’s last remaining old-growth forests. Built to stop 20,000 refugees, the wall is a symbol of Poland’s inconsistent migration policy.
Swift restoration of currently degraded EU habitats holds immense carbon sequestration potential, with all manner of positive side effects for biodiversity, and drought and flood protection.
The Commission is pushing for a more meaningful take on EU environmental obligations.
Two years after the Commission initiated infringement proceedings, logging in Romania’s high biodiversity value forests is increasing.
If MEPs and Member States can withstand the bioenergy lobby’s onslaught, the Fit for 55 climate package could finally bring meaningful changes to the EU’s forest policies.