Resultados de 1 a 10 de um total de 31
Two decades ago, when the EU started incentivising burning wood as a form of renewable energy and counting CO2 emissions from wood combustion as ‘zero’ in the energy sector, it was possibly unaware that this would considerably...
A recent report by Estonia’s Court of Auditors has raised questions about the meteoric growth of Europe’s largest producer of wood pellets, Graanul Invest (GI). Biomass subsidies from the EU and its Member States were thought to...
On 4 September 2024, the European Commission published the results of its Strategic Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture, an innovative exercise that, in a period of bitter strife, gathered farm lobby groups and NGOs around a...
The Netherlands have long been at the forefront of science-informed biomass policy-making, accepting that burning wood for energy production worsens the climate and biodiversity crises. They are now leading in ambitiously...
The European Environment Agency (EEA) released (March 2024) its yearly overview of renewable energy deployment in the EU for 2022: 23% of the energy consumed in the EU during 2022 came from renewable sources, an increase driven...
Overlogging and climate change are causing the collapse of European forest carbon sinks, and the EU risks not even meeting weak 2030 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) targets. There is therefore huge concern that...
The EU’s policy bioenergy policies are being repeated around the world. It is urgent that the EU realises the damage this is causing and disincentivises primary woody biomass in the revision of the Renewable Energy Directive.
As International Day of Action against Big Biomass comes around again, Fern campaigner Martin Pigeon considers individual EU Member States’ variable reliance on primary woody biomass and what a fair solution would look like.
Although progress has been made towards delivering a renewable energy plan that will help meet climate ambitions, much uncertainty remains on details before trilogue negotiations.
After the Council fails to defend the future of forests, it now falls to the European Parliament and the Commission to reaffirm the rules’ purpose and to restrict loopholes.