Resultados de 11 a 20 de um total de 21
On August 29, twenty-six NGOs, have sent an open letter to European leaders urging them to end European complicity in the fires raging in the Amazon.
NGOs believe the EU can act decisively in two ways. 1. Suspend ratification...
On June 18, 340+ civil society organizations wrote to call on the European Union to use its influence to prevent a worsening human rights and environmental situation in Brazil.
Uma nova realidade se materializou no Brasil nos 100 primeiros dias desde que Jair Bolsonaro assumiu a presidência da quarta maior democracia do mundo.
O número de incursões de invasores armados nas terras de povos indígenas...
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The EU has made strong commitments to mitigate climate change, stop deforestation and respect human rights, including community rights to land. The trade agreements the EU is currently negotiating with highly forested countries...
Cattle and deforestation
Beef production is the biggest agricultural driver of global forest loss. Forests in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, all members of the Mercosur trade bloc, are being destroyed on an epic scale to make...
On April 25, European and international NGOs send an open letter to the European Commission calling for the EU to put human rights and sustainability at the forefront of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Mercosur.
This publication shows how existing national and international legal frameworks can support sustainable agriculture in Brazil, thereby reducing pressure to convert forests to large plantations. Small-scale farmers are increasingly...
To have a fair chance of limiting global temperature rise to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius, it will be necessary to remove at least 500 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere. The best way to do this is to work with local...
Soy is the second largest agricultural driver of deforestation after cattle products (with agriculture responsible for about 70 per cent of all deforestation). According to a 2013 study for the European Commission, soy expansion...
The EU Common Agricultural Policy, soy, and forest destructionProposals for reform - SUMMARYThe biggest cause of forest loss – accounting for around 70 per cent – is agricultural deforestation, notably for beef, soy, palm oil and...