This position paper, signed by 32 NGOs from across Europe, outlines how the EU can create a bioenergy policy that civil society and citizens can support.
Joint contribution to the EU’s Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) Review
This is statement signed by four pan European networks and 67 organisations from 20 countries across Europe calling on the European Commission to ensure the Forest Strategy supports people, nature and the climate.
An opportunity to help meet climate and biodiversity objectives
This statement summarises the views of civil society organisations (CSOs) from Asia and the Pacific, the Americas, Europe, and West and Central Africa. These organisations help address the key challenges threatening forests around...
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The EU is the world’s largest aid donor and a major political actor with a strong influence over global policies. The EU recognises civil society as an essential actor in policy making and implementation, specifically in the...
We, the undersigned organisations, call on political leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to stop the EU-Mercosur trade agreement.
The EU-Mercosur agreement belongs to an out-dated 20th Century model of trade that has failed the...