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This year the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) has entered into implementation. One of the commodities included within the legislation is timber.
As mentioned within the EUDR, this legislation should build upon the positive...
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A response to the European Commission FLEGT Fitness Check, and options for the future
In 2021, CARE France, Coordination Sud, GRET and Fern organised a series of webinars to discuss civil society’s role in implementing climate action that protects biodiversity and local communities. These meetings provided an...
Forests are crucial to keeping average global temperature rise below 1.5°C. Their protection and restoration could provide a cost-effective solution for climate mitigation, and adaptation. To meet targets for the Agriculture,...
Tropical forests and those who depend on them are at greatest risk where their governance is weak. The Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) that the EU - and, post-Brexit, the UK independently - establishes with forested...
The EU is the world’s largest aid donor and a major political actor with a strong influence over global policies. The EU recognises civil society as an essential actor in policy making and implementation, specifically in the...
How can NDCs contribute to forest governance and resilient local communities?
To tackle the climate crisis, EU land and forests need to absorb more carbon dioxide, but the opposite is happening. EU forest health and biodiversity is declining, even in EU forests protected by legislation. Half of all the wood...
In 2018, Fern and our partners revealed that many African states’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) pledges were not considering the need to improve forest governance. As countries are now preparing and communicating new...
Fern and 15 other NGOs working on climate, environment, human rights and sustainable development issues have released a statement on the EU’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The statement welcomes EU leadership in supporting...