Our mission

We seek a world in which environmental, social and economic justice is fully integrated at all levels and women and men irrespective of their background and ethnicity have a voice in decisions affecting their lives and livelihoods. We protect and restore forests by promoting and defending the rights of the women and men who depend on them.  

Fern believes in gender justice and women’s rights

To achieve gender justice, we must start with an analysis of the specific needs of women, and the barriers they face at the community, national and global level. Where Fern and our partners work women often have less access to resources and face more constraints to participating in forest policy and governance processes. This means women’s voices, and the rights of women are often absent in discussions of forests’ role in all the areas Fern campaigns on.

Fern’s commits to: 

  • Promoting gender justice in campaigning, networking and communications.
  • Improving understanding of how EU forest-related policies are affected by, and can improve gender justice.
  • Supporting and learning from partners to analyse and monitor their impact on women’s rights and power relations in communities they work with.
  • Ensuring that social justice is reflected in our values, strategies and work plans.
  • Developing a supportive organisational culture, internal systems and working conditions to ensure we attract and develop and maintain a diverse force.
  • Providing leadership through gender advocates accountable to Fern’s Board and staff, who develop, manage and encourage initiatives in line with these commitments.