Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 22
Stories of hope and resilience from forest communities around the world
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This briefing endorsed by Client Earth, the Environmental Investigation Agency, Fern, Forest Peoples Programme, and Transparency International details what the EU can do to ensure that healthy forests contribute to local...
VPA update, June 2019
One of the unique features of Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) – which form a key part of the EU’s Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan – is that they allow a variety of actors (government, private sector, civil society and forest communities) to discuss how forests should be managed.
Illegal logging and the illicit timber trade thrive when legal frameworks, rights and benefits are unclear and complex to enforce. Transparency is therefore at the heart of Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) and over the last...
Civil society explains how the EU can help protect forests and forest people rights
Around the world, about 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their survival. And yet, in 2017 alone, global tropical forests lost 15.8...
One year ago, forests and their crucial ecological and economic role were again at the forefront of the EU’s policy agenda. In June 2017, at the EU conference on illegal logging and deforestation, EU Commissioner for International...
LoggingOff and Fern publish occasional Forest Watch updates detailing events in countries negotiating a Voluntary Partnership Agreement from a civil society perspective. In the November 2017 edition, the main article focuses on...
Illegal logging is reducing globally, but deforestation continues as land is cleared for commercial agriculture. In Liberia, oil palm concessions were welcomed by the Government as a means to create jobs and infrastructure after...