Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 147
On Tuesday 1st December, the VOICE network (in partnership with Fern) launched the 2020 Cocoa Barometer with a webinar attended by a broad range of stakeholders who created a lively discussion.
The event was moderated by Oliver...
Ultimately, the impacts of trade agreements reverberate in local communities, in the individual lives of women, men and children, and in the destruction of the unique areas of forest and habitats which surround them.
Article available in:
Human society is enduring one of the greatest global health crises of the past century: COVID-19. As the urgency of tackling the pandemic took centre stage, policy issues such as the implementation of the Forest Law Enforcement...
Webinar organised by FAO’s Forest Technical Network in Africa (FTN-Africa)
Monday 7 December 2020 – 11:00-12:30 (Accra/GMT) 12:00 – 13:30 (Kinshasa/Rome time)
Register here
BackgroundMost countries in Africa are committed to...
As we chart the recovery from COVID-19, governments around the world face a grave choice: continue along the path of planetary collapse, or embrace a sustainable future.
The European Commission, for one, has said that it...
How does the EU impact the world and how can civil society influence EU policies?
The EU has a huge influence over the fate of the world’s forests.
Its trade deals, aid strategies, energy and climate policies, and imports of...
When Indigenous and forest communities have their right to land enshrined in law there are lower rates of deforestation. The Boca Pariamanu community in Peru is a clear example of the positive knock-on effects. That is why...
23 September 2020: four hundred kilometres from the capital, Brazzaville, sits Ingolo 1, a village of around 1,200 people. The village committee have come together to meet a delegation of civil society organisations (CSOs) to...
Vietnam’s Government issued the long-awaited Timber Legality Assurance System Decree (VNTLAS), implementing legality assurance aspects of the FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) on 1 September 2020. The hope Vietnamese...
Indonesian civil society must always navigate challenges surrounding transparency, but this year they have been aggravated by social turbulence and COVID-19. A victory early in the year --in which the government removed a rule...