2020 Cocoa Barometer Launch
2 December 2020
On Tuesday 1st December, the VOICE network (in partnership with Fern) launched the 2020 Cocoa Barometer with a webinar attended by a broad range of stakeholders who created a lively discussion.
The event was moderated by Oliver Nieburg (Confectionary News) and included keynote speeches from Ms Heidi Hautala (Vice-President of the European Parliament) and Ms Helena Konig (Deputy Director General DG Trade at the European Commission).
Report authors Antonie Fountain and Friedel Huetz-Adams presented the Barometer Report’s key messages, and this was followed by a stimulating panel discussion with Martha Opoku-Mensah and Ismail Pomasi (Ghana Civil-society Cocoa Platform (GCCP)), Leonard Mizzi (DG DEVCO, European Commission) and Maria Suman-Negut (European Cocoa Association).
The report itself highlights ways that previous interventions have failed cocoa farmers and provides three key pathways that can put an end to deforestation, poverty and human rights abuses in cocoa supply chains:
- Regulation that changes the system, rather than penalising farmers
- ffective partnerships between producer and consumer countries
- A fair price for farmers
In 2021, VOICE will be running a series of webinars exploring the key findings of the Cocoa Barometer by theme. Please keep an eye on the Cocoa Barometer website or sign up to our mailing list to keep updated. We look forward to the momentum these conversations will galvanise as we push for system change to end cocoa poverty.
Category: Events