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NGOs are denouncing the Republic of Congo’s (RoC) decision to violate international and domestic obligations concerning the Congolese national park of Conkouati-Douli by allowing oil exploration in its fragile ecosystem....
In 2013, the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between the government of the Republic of Congo and the European Union (EU) entered into force, with the aim of addressing problems related to forest governance and illegal...
Under discussion since 2011, the new Forest Code aims to strengthen forest management and the forest timber sector, whilst improving governance and transparency, fighting deforestation, and advancing local communities’ rights in...
Highlights of the webinar:The webinars in Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish (click on the links for the slides) were attended by over 100 participants, including civil society from producer countries, as well as...
Article available in:
Peoples’ and the planet’s resilience can be enhanced by integrating the COVID-19 response with European Green Deal initiatives and prioritising the most vulnerable.
New reports indicate that forest governance has been improving in Republic of Congo, but further strides are needed.
German facilitation of the Partnership could set an innovative course.
NGO leaders from tropical forested nations offer first-hand accounts on what is needed for effective forest protection.
Rather than listen to critical voices, the Congolese Government chooses to risk political capital silencing them. The EU must not stand for this.
The 2016 report that the Republic of Congo just submitted to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) raises NGO concerns over the country’s commitment to ensure full transparency of payments made by logging...