Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 11
The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change was a landmark, which put the use of land-based sinks such as forests at the heart of the global blueprint for stemming global warming.This raises two problems.1. It may encourage the...
Have you heard of LULUCF? Do you know what it means? Watch this clear and informative video to understand what Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry is about. this video explains why forests can not be used as an excuse to avoid...
In Dalarna, Sweden’s reputation for protecting nature and promoting sustainable forestry might appear well justified.
Unbroken rows of pine forests, glimmering lakes and jutting mountain ranges dominate a landscape in which...
At a time when EU’s taxpayers are funding bioenergy projects that are worsening global warming and destroying forests, this press release shows how an international day of action on bioenergy galvanised environmentalists and...
A Dangerous Delusion exposes the myth that problems don’t exist with biomass from Europe’s forests – where the EU sources most of its biomass – because they are managed sustainably. It includes case studies on Sweden, Romania,...
This briefing note outlines why using wood to produce renewable electricity and heat can increase carbon dioxide emissions. It explains what is wrong with the assumption that all biomass use for energy is ‘carbon-neutral’ and why...
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In a move that could have profound implications for some EU companies, the International Criminal Court (ICC) recently announced that it is now assessing crimes against humanity in a broader context. The Office of the Prosecutor,...
As countries take action to protect the climate, conflicts between trade rules and climate goals will escalate, concludes “The Climate Cost of Free Trade,” a September 2016 report by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade policy....
NGOs welcomed the release of the European Commission’s proposal for a Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation, as an improvement on existing rules, despite concerns that it reduces overall ambition. NGOs,...
Systemic illegalities persist in the Republic of Congo’s (RoC) forest sector, despite the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) it signed with the EU to combat illegal timber trade. The RoC’s Independent Monitor of the...