Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 12
“To help craft sustainable solutions, our participatory rights must be respected”
Lessons for the EU from Label Bas-Carbone forestry projects in France
Every year an estimated 5,000 migrant seasonal workers come to Sweden to do the back-breaking work of clearing landscapes and planting trees. They make up 85 – 90 per cent of the workforce and are employed by firms sub-contracted by the companies that dominate Sweden’s forest sector.
The world has its first ever law banning imports of products linked to deforestation.
The latest IPCC report, citizen concern about the packaging crisis, France's law to eliminate waste and more...
The IPCC is clear that urgent action is needed now to conserve and restore forests and other ecosystems, not just because it will be cost-effective, but because our decisions will carry consequences for millennia
The EU should listen to its citizens not industry, and legislate to end the overpackaging crisis
France’s packaging law could offer practical insights for the EU’s new packaging Regulation
Cocoa producers are already seeing that agricultural expansion can lead to lower yields
The European Parliament’s plenary vote on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive must ensure there is a strong mandate to defend human rights in trilogue negotiations