Aviation is one of only two sectors worldwide with no existing United Nations’ (UN) targets to reduce emissions. The UN International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has put forward a proposal to deal with climate change which...
The UN Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas does not cover emissions from international aviation. These are regulated by the UN’s International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which has been tasked with adopting a proposal...
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Banks based in the European Union are major funders of companies at high risk of involvement in land-grabbing and deforestation, according to new research by Fern.
The study examines the sources of finance of 23 large companies...
Just weeks before the expected 30 November launch of the European Commission’s ‘Winter Package’ on climate and energy policies a group of 11 NGOs, including Fern have launched a paper with recommendations for a new EU sustainable...
In its recent submission to the EU Commission’s consultation on future EU development policy, Fern stated that EU policies should be judged by their impact on small farmers and local communities as well as the environment and...
The EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) process has been remarkably effective in improving governance and combatting illegal logging in Indonesia and Ghana. This is the conclusion of an academic paper that...
Oil palm concessions and illegal loggers are continually encroaching upon Liberia’s dense forests. Fern’s new Video Blog with James Otto of the Sustainable Development Institute in Liberia gives a breakdown of the problems many...
The European Commission has announced that it will propose a new and improved bioenergy sustainability policy for the use of biomass in heating, electricity and transport as part of its Climate and Energy Package for 2030.