
Cameroon’s emissions reduction proposals: Problems remain

10 June 2016

When Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) members, including the EU, gather in Paris, 20 - 22 June 2016, to discuss various countries’ emission reduction proposals to the Carbon Fund, they will see that Cameroon’s newly revised submission has the same flaws as its predecessor.

The agenda of the 14th meeting of the Carbon Fund, the World Bank-supported fund designed to remunerate selected countries for reducing carbon emissions, features among others, discussion of Cameroon’s ER-PIN (Emission Reductions Program Idea Note). The ER-PIN is being re-submitted in the hope of being funded by the Carbon Fund.

In October 2015, the FCPF rejected Cameroon’s ER-PIN because of its poor quality and the lack of a proper consultation process in its development (see FW209). The FCPF recommended, among other things, that Cameroon provide a robust analysis of the drivers of deforestation and improve the consultation process before resubmitting an ER-PIN.

Mere weeks away from the Paris meeting, no national analysis of the drivers of deforestation exists, and the consultation process deployed for revising the ER-PIN has, thus far, failed to fully include civil society and implement the national free prior informed consent guidelines. The draft text in English, shared only at the last minute with a fraction of civil society, but not with communities, is of great concern. Comments and suggestions to improve the ER-PIN formulated by the Community and Forest Platform(CFP) in October 2015 have not been taken into consideration in the new version. In sum, it appears that little has improved since the last Carbon Fund meeting.

Category: Cameroon

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