Creating a forest and rights observatory: a Brazilian case study
15 March 2024
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The European Union and Member States have taken a pioneering role in adopting Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (HREDD) laws, such as the June 2023 adoption of the Regulation on deforestation-free products (EUDR). The EUDR aims to minimise the EU’s deforestation-footprint by prohibiting companies from putting commodities tainted with deforestation on the EU market. Affected products include beef, coffee, cocoa, palm oil, rubber, soy and timber.
To support EUDR implementation, the EU has also committed to establish a Forest Observatory, focusing on deforestation and forest degradation as well as changes in the world’s forest cover. The Observatory is presently not expected to monitor human rights violations, even though the EUDR expects companies to also ensure there is no violation of human rights, and specifically land tenure rights in their supply chains. This is particularly concerning because deforestation is linked to violations of the rights to land, water, food, a healthy environment, fair labour and Indigenous Peoples’ rights.
This discussion document presents recommendations for how a Forest and Rights Observatory could be established that would complement the planned EU Forest Observatory. The reflections were developed through desk research and stakeholder workshops with civil society, academia, and public officials in Brazil.
Categories: Reports, EU Regulation on deforestation-free products, Brazil