
Credit where it’s due!

15 April 2016

Two great women who have worked hard for forest communities have been publicly recognised: Clare Rewcastle Brown, known for her investigations into corruption in Malaysia, and land tenure specialist Liz Alden Wily.

The New York-based magazine Fortune named British investigative journalist Rewcastle Brown as one of “The World’s 50 Greatest Leaders” in a list published on 25 March. It wrote: “Through her website Sarawak Report, London-based journalist Rewcastle Brown has become an irritant in the corridors of power in Malaysia. Her exposés on state investment fund 1MDB – publicising the alleged siphoning of $700 million into the pockets of Prime Minister Najib Razak – have made her a hero and a villain in the country, depending on whom you ask.”

Clare Rewcastle, who has been banned from entering Malaysia because of her activities, has contributed to exposing corruption in tropical-timber transactions in Sarawak, supporting the Stop Timber Corruption Campaign launched by the Bruno Manser Fund.

Alden Wily, mean while, was chosen by the Good 100 Magazine as one of the key players in making the world a better place.

Described by the magazine as a “rogue political economist with a revolutionary land rights agenda”, Alden Wily is one of the world’s most respected land tenure specialists and a tireless activist for community land rights. She has assisted local organisations all over the world, but especially in Africa, and is working closely with the Africa Community Rights Network to come up with its own land rights index.

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