Enforcing due diligence legislation ‘plus’
15 October 2020

Our latest policy analysis on how to end EU imports of Forest Risk Commodities looks at the type of regulation the Commission should adopt to halt and reverse global deforestation and how it could be enforced.
The report draws lessons from existing due diligence legislation, such as the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), the EU Conflict Mineral Regulation, and the US Lacey Act. It is based on interviews with competent authorities and NGOs.
Recommendations include:
- The clearer and more detailed that company requirements are, the more likely it is the legislation can be effectively enforced.
- There needs to be clear procedures for how to monitor and enforce companies’ implementation of these requirements.
- Penalties for infringements must be dissuasive and harmonised among Member States.
- Legislation should allow competent authorities to gather proof of infringements.
- Companies should be required to develop a robust due diligence system, the absence of which should be a criminal offence.
- Certification should not play a formal role.
Category: Reports