
European Commission sacrifices forests for energy

30 November 2016

European Commission sacrifices forests for energy

Brussels, November 30 –Today’s Winter Package on Climate and Energy marks a crucial missed chance by the European Commission to end a policy which is causing untold damage to forests and the climate.

The Winter Package includes a major overhaul of the EU’s electricity market, and new rules for renewable energy and energy efficiency.  It does not, as Fern and other NGOs with expertise on forests have long called for – reverse the current destructive bioenergy policy that encourages the burning of wood for energy.

“The Commission has opted to sacrifice forests for energy.  Burning forest biomass on an industrial scale for power and heating has proved disastrous. The evidence that its growing use will increase emissions and destroy forests in Europe and elsewhere is overwhelming.” said Linde Zuidema, Fern’s bioenergy campaigner.

Categories: Press Releases, Bioenergy

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