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But to reduce global deforestation effectively, EU-wide regulation is urgently needed.
Rather than listen to critical voices, the Congolese Government chooses to risk political capital silencing them. The EU must not stand for this.
The landmark Dutch law adds to mounting pressure on the EU to develop harmonised rules for human rights and environmental risks due diligence.
In polarised times, an EU wide poll shows Europeans are remarkably unified in their desire to protect global forests and avoid products that drive deforestation. Such popular support could act as a springboard for Commission action.
This week’s European Parliamentary election results threw up the tantalising prospect of greater EU protection for the climate, forests and people.
With more EU citizens voting than at any time in the past 25 years, it also...
Forest loss is a global problem for all due to loss of livelihoods and a changing climate. However, it affects women and children disproportionally.
As various heads of government gather today in Sibiu, Romania for the final EU summit before this month’s European elections, there’s one piece of news that they - and all of us - should contemplate. Humans are driving one million...
In the run-up to elections, various initiatives underscore intense public concern regarding the role of EU consumption in causing deforestation.
Manfred Weber promises to ensure that the EU acts on child labour in supply chains
The EU must react swiftly to defend forest governance and uphold the EU Timber Regulation.