Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 15
On 16 December 2014 the European Commission released its disappointing and uninspiring workplan for 2015. The programme outlines annual priorities for the European Commission and indicates where political effort will and will not...
In December 2014, the Dutch Minister for Economic Affairs, Henk Kamp, presented the Dutch Parliament with a set of sustainability criteria to be used to assess whether biomass should be used for power generation. The criteria were...
Every six months, FERN produces an update looking at the present situation with regards the EU's Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Action Plan, with a specific focus on Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs)....
The tropical rainforests covering vast tracts of the Republic of Congo (RoC) are being chopped down at a startling rate. As they vanish, the people living in them fall deeper into poverty and global climate...
Un puits de carbone est un élément qui absorbe plus de carbone qu’il n’en rejette, tandis qu’une source d’émission de carbone est un élément qui rejette plus de carbone qu’il n’en absorbe. Les forêts, les sols, les océans et...
Can you offset the impacts of a new road carving up a valley? Once you destroy woodland for a motorway service station, can you replace what you lost? How about fracking - can you offset the impacts of a shale gas well? These are...
Through imports of agricultural commodities, EU countries are collectively the biggest cause of deforestation worldwide