The EU missed a golden chance to deploy its forests in the fight against climate change. The EU finalised carbon accounting rules on land and forests (known as the LULUCF Regulation). This is the first attempt to amend legislation...
This press release exposes the flaws in the airline industry’s plans to offset its carbon emissions.
EU Environment ministers today bowed to pressure from a small nucleus of nations led by Finland, and opted for damaging new carbon accounting rules on land and forests (known as the LULUCF Regulation). This press release explains...
The European Parliament’s Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee today voted to increase removals of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by forests from 2030 onwards, recognising the important role that EU...
The draft report released on June 7 on bioenergy sustainability criteria by Environmental committee (ENVI) rapporteur MEP Bas Eickhout (Greens) is a chance for the EU to end a policy which is causing huge damage to forests and the...
Today, the European Parliament took one step forward and two steps back for the climate and forests.Read the full Press ReleaseOn a positive front, the Environment Committee voted to strengthen the EU’s climate target for the...
Finland’s industrial logging is already threatening the climate and its indigenous Sámi people, and yet last year the Finnish government confirmed its intention to increase harvesting the country’s forests by nearly 25 per cent ...