Displaying results 1 to 10 out of 32
On 17 December 2024, the outgoing Biden-Harris administration unveiled a comprehensive six-point policy framework aimed at reducing US imports of products linked to deforestation – a commendable attempt to set positive things in...
At a time when partnerships are more critical than ever for implementation of the EU Deforestation Regulation, the EU Commission is poised to kill off its bravest initiative in forest governance and accountability, and to replace...
NGOs are denouncing the Republic of Congo’s (RoC) decision to violate international and domestic obligations concerning the Congolese national park of Conkouati-Douli by allowing oil exploration in its fragile ecosystem....
In 2013, the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between the government of the Republic of Congo and the European Union (EU) entered into force, with the aim of addressing problems related to forest governance and illegal...
The EU seems to be considering rewarding Liberia’s administrative foot-dragging by abandoning FLEGT – communities and CSOs fear the pillage of Liberia’s remaining forests.
That parts of the European Commission seem to be losing interest in the flagship governance programme, even as Ghana’s hope to issue licences is renewed, has sent a shockwave
Donors should take note of well-considered alternative to forest conversion.
Germany has a chance to raise climate ambition and shape three important relationships.
Joseph D. Higgins was born on 23 June 1969 to Dedeah Higgins and Martha D. Higgins in the Campwood Community, Grand Bassa County, Liberia.
Joseph earned a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in General Forestry from the University...
Peoples’ and the planet’s resilience can be enhanced by integrating the COVID-19 response with European Green Deal initiatives and prioritising the most vulnerable.