
Protect and restore: How forests can help the European Union tackle climate change

10 July 2018

Protect and restore forest restoration human right based afforestation reforestation

The struggle against climate change must also be a battle to protect and restore land and forests.

Fern’s new briefing Protect and Restore sets out a clear path to help the EU achieve this, by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide its land and forests absorb from the atmosphere. 

“It’s undeniable that stemming climate change means making radical emissions cuts. It’s also clear that it will mean removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The only safe way to do this at scale is to restore forests,” said Julia Christian, Fern Forest Campaigner. 

“Restoring forests will do more than help the climate: it will strengthen our economies, our communities, our health and biodiversity. So forest restoration must go hand in hand with the urgent task of halting carbon dioxide emissions.” 

Find out more about forest restoration

Category: Briefing Notes

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