Displaying results 51 to 60 out of 394
NGOs make 16 recommendations to the European Parliament and European Union (EU) Member States to preserve and improve the essential elements of the Commission’s proposal for a strong and ambitious EU anti-deforestation law.
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This report is also available in Bahasa Indonesia.
The European Union (EU) and Indonesia have been negotiating a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), known as the Comprehensive Economic...
Read the briefing note Read the full report
This briefing is also available in Bahasa Indonesia.
A response to the European Commission FLEGT Fitness Check, and options for the future
Article available in:
A case study from Brazil
How the European Union can best integrate deforestation and rights violations data in its regulatory proposals
An EU Forest Observatory could play an important role in monitoring deforestation, human rights violations, and land use in supply chains of products and commodities such as soybeans and beef.
This summary report looks at what can be learnt from Brazil’s efforts and concludes with recommendations for the EU, including how to enforce the future Regulation on deforestation-free products.
After decades of trusting companies to tackle the problem voluntarily, on 17 November 2021, the European Commission released their proposed Regulation on deforestation-free products. This is a watershed moment in the battle to end Europe’s major role in destroying the world’s forests.
In 2021, CARE France, Coordination Sud, GRET and Fern organised a series of webinars to discuss civil society’s role in implementing climate action that protects biodiversity and local communities. These meetings provided an...
Forests are crucial to keeping average global temperature rise below 1.5°C. Their protection and restoration could provide a cost-effective solution for climate mitigation, and adaptation. To meet targets for the Agriculture,...
This position paper, signed by 32 NGOs from across Europe, outlines how the EU can create a bioenergy policy that civil society and citizens can support.