
Soya and deforestation in Latin America: an avoidable crisis. What is the responsibility of EU policy for loss of biodiversity and social conflicts in Latin America?

18 June 2018

Soya and deforestation in Latin America: an avoidable crisis. What is the responsibility of EU policy for loss of biodiversity and social conflicts in Latin America?


The Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU, Fern, and Mighty Earth, are organising a discussion on the topic of  ‘Soya and deforestation in Latin America: an avoidable crisis. What is the responsibility of EU policy for loss of biodiversity and social conflicts in Latin America?’. 

 When: 11 July

Light lunch: 11:30- 12:00

Panel discussion and Q and A: 12:00- 14:00

 Where: The Representation of Hessen to the EU21, Rue Montoyer

1000 Brussels

Speakers will include representatives from the European Parliament, the European Commission and civil society organisations.

The basis for our discussion will be the findings of a recent investigation by Mighty Earth, Rainforest Norway, and

We will tackle the following questions and more:

  • What commitments can Europe make to achieve the international development goal of stopping deforestation by 2020?
  • What steps must be put in place to enable farmers in Europe to farm sustainably?
  • What is the impact of the French law which imposes due diligence on companies?
  • How can sustainability certification help stop deforestation?

Category: Events

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