Still exporting destruction: A civil society assessment of Export Credit Agencies’ compliance with EU Regulation (PE-CONS 46/11)
14 November 2013

ECA Watch has prepared this ‘shadow report’ — with the support of other civil society groups — in order to assess current ECA practice in relation to issues such as transparency, public accountability and more generally, their compliance with the EU’s objectives on external action. It is based on ECAs’ own annual public reports, questionnaires sent to Export Credit Agencies (ECA), and freedom of information requests. The report starts by giving some background information regarding ECAs and how they are regulated. It analyses ECAs’ answers to ECA Watch’s questionnaires, and highlights a couple of case studies to illustrate our concerns. It analyses the annualreports that Member States sent to the EC and highlights points that should be investigated further by the EC. It concludes by indicating options for the European Commission, Council and Parliament to improve the regulatory framework for EU ECAs.