
The EU Renewable Energy Directive Recast

28 May 2021

The EU Renewable Energy Directive Recast

An opportunity to help meet climate and biodiversity objectives

The European Union’s (EU) Renewable Energy Directive (RED) has had a devastating effect on forests, but is now being amended as part of the European Green Deal. This is a major opportunity to ensure it supports, rather than undermines the EU’s climate and biodiversity objectives.

The European Commission is expected to propose changes to the RED in July 2021, and these will then be scrutinised by the European Parliament and Council.

To be compatible with the European Green Deal ambitions and turn the EU’s renewable energy policy from a climate problem to a climate solution, the RED must stop counting primary woody biomass towards renewable energy targets, and phase out crop-based biofuels (which may otherwise get a new lease of life to support aviation and shipping). This position paper outlines what needs to happen for the EU to create a bioenergy policy based on science that civil society and citizens can support.

Categories: NGO Statements, Bioenergy

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