Affichant les résultats 51 à 60 sur 385
This position paper, signed by 32 NGOs from across Europe, outlines how the EU can create a bioenergy policy that civil society and citizens can support.
The world needs a great global forest restoration. But for that to work climatically, socially or ecologically it also needs a global restoration of land rights for forest dwellers. By Fred Pearce.
Conversations with foresters on the drawbacks of intensive forestry and the solutions offered by close-to-nature practices
Joint contribution to the EU’s Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) Review
In Mid-December 2021 the European Commission is due to release a regulatory proposal to minimise the European Union’s (EU) deforestation and forest degradation footprint. In advance of this draft proposal, six NGOs have come...
Why the European Commission's 2030 climate and energy proposal is unfit for forests.
Tropical forests and those who depend on them are at greatest risk where their governance is weak. The Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) that the EU - and, post-Brexit, the UK independently - establishes with forested...
This is statement signed by four pan European networks and 67 organisations from 20 countries across Europe calling on the European Commission to ensure the Forest Strategy supports people, nature and the climate.
What is the European Union (EU), how does it work and, most importantly how can activists, civil society representatives and NGOs influence EU decisions and policies?
These are the questions answered by our new EU guide, written...
By Luisa Colasimone, Coordinator, Environmental Paper Network International
I would have never imagined that a pandemic would reveal the difficulties of reconciling my love of pets with my love for forests.
As the happy roommate...