
Clean Heat for Homes

18 February 2025

Clean Heat for Homes

Securing a just energy transition to reduce the EU’s legacy reliance on wood burning

Accelerating the decarbonisation of the residential heating sector in the European Union has never been more urgent. The issue concerns energy poverty, air pollution, public health, biodiversity, and climate resilience. Failing to ensure social justice in transition policies undermines popular support and, ultimately, these policies’ effectiveness. 

This event will explore what a just transition in the residential heating sector could look like and discuss how EU residents can be supported to access affordable and cleaner heating alternatives. 

  • When: Tuesday 18 February, 12.30-14.30

  • Where: European Parliament, Brussels, Room SPAAK 7C50

With welcoming remarks by hosts and Members of the European Parliament, Sigrid Friis (Renew, Denmark) and Ville Niinistö (Greens, Finland), the event will feature three panels: 

Decarbonised renewable heating options  

Moderated by Kira Taylor, energy, climate & environment reporter

  • Mélanie Auvray, European Heat Pump Association 
  • Steffen Verheyen, Agora Energie-Wende 


Reducing the heat demand  

Moderated by Marco Grippa, Environmental Coalition on Standards (ECOS)

  • Eva Brardinelli, CAN Europe 
  • Geoffrey Van Moeseke, UCLouvain & SlowHeat 


Ensuring access to clean heat  

Moderated by Clare Taylor, Cool Heating Coalition

  • Anna Bajomi, FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless)
  • Adam Harmat, WWF Hungary
  • Richard Lowes, Regulatory Assistance Project 
  • Video testimonial from Aranka Rostas, Lightbringers Foundation

Categories: Events, Bioenergy

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